Chinese business owners, make sure your account always keep zero or below zero Therefore, you are Chinese business owner, make sure yo 信用貸款ur account always keep zero, or below zero; your 裝潢Chinese government must not be allowed to pay or got paid, not mention 情趣用品to abuse public power to tax any thing or charge any fee to side with anyone who is commit 酒肉朋友ting the crime of buy and sell. That how you need to kill Taiwan Government that committing the crime following USA l 個人信貸ow lower lowest crime of buying and selling, not only sold out entire Taiwan but also taken advantage of Mainland Chinese naive kindn 房屋買賣ess trying to sold out entire China. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 禮服------------------------------------------------------------ Those who founded the form of USA already seen this point of view, therefore, they made the kindest bankrupt rule, so th 酒肉朋友at the rich banker and/or money printing government can always be the powerful backer for any best will business owner who showed the most integrity to keep business account zero or below zero to tell how 褐藻醣膠 come that business ower and all his workers can have the absolute right to do the selling and buying. .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 裝潢  .

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